UNHCR Canada has launched in Ottawa and Toronto a public campaign encouraging the public to get to know the individual or family behind the word “refugee”. The campaign is part of a UNHCR global awareness outreach to mark World Refugee Day 20 June this year.
For the whole month of June 2015, travelers going through the Ottawa airport and commuters at the Toronto Union Station and the Mall Media can expect to catch on the Clear Channel screens, a glimpse of these beautiful digital spots which highlight refugees’ stories of hope and resilience.
With these ads, UNHCR hopes to engage Canadians who have limited understanding about refugees to take a first small step towards getting to know refugees and becoming a supporter.
Among individual testimonials featured are the stories of Hany, a newly resettled Syrian refugee to Canada and Pabi, a refugee from Bhutan who now lives in Ottawa. Their stories highlight similarities and common experiences that all Canadians share.
For more information, please contact Gisèle Nyembwe, Public Information Associate at 613-986-4300, nyembwe@unhcr.org