A refugee boy from Central African Republic shows the groundnuts he will plant in Dosseye refugee camp. Many of the old caseload refugees grow food to make up for the current ration cut. @ UNHCR / C. Fohlen
The Difference We Make.
Thank you for your most generous and caring support. Please take a moment today to download our autumn issue of With You. In the latest edition, we bring you stories that spotlight our most recent work with uprooted children, women and men around the globe.
Many refugees presently in our care across Africa are greatly impacted by reduced daily food rations. Hunger and famine have been ongoing struggles for uprooted people, due to security and funding challenges since January; and the crisis only continues to escalate. More information on the current challenges is featured on page two.
Also spotlighted on page two is our latest update on Syria. Your generosity continues to help more than 3 million Syrian refugees, who are still struggling to survive after civil war forced them from their homes. By year-end, we estimate the Syrian refugee population will reach a staggering 3.6 million.