The town of Abs, Hajjah Governorate, where UNHCR is constructing 3,200 transitional shelters for people living in dire conditions. © UNHCR

The town of Abs, Hajjah Governorate, where UNHCR is constructing 3,200 transitional shelters for people living in dire conditions. © UNHCR

My dear Yemen,  

I cannot believe it has been eight years. My heart is filled with many emotions as I think about all that you have endured. The past years have been marked by unbearable pain, devastating loss, and unspeakable horrors. Yet, even in the face of such unimaginable adversity, you have shown a strength and resilience that is truly remarkable.  

You have been tested in ways that no country should ever have to experience. You have endured endless violence, hunger, displacement, and disease, and yet you have refused to let the darkness win. You have continued to stand firm in your values, your beliefs, and your dreams, and have shown the world what it truly means to be strong. 

The beauty of your land remains, unbroken by the scars of war. Your mountains still rise majestically towards the sky, and your oceans still sparkle with the brilliant hues of the setting sun. Your culture and traditions, so rich and vibrant, continue to be cherished and celebrated by your people, and serve as a testament to the unbreakable spirit of your nation.  

My dear Yemen, on this anniversary of the conflict, I want you to know that you are not alone. I see you, I hear you, and I stand with you. We are inspired by your courage, your strength, and your unwavering determination to keep moving forward.  

The road ahead is still long and difficult, but I believe that together, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead. I believe that we have the capacity to heal and rebuild, to create a more just, peaceful, and prosperous society for all. I believe in your dreams and will continue to support you in your journey towards a better future.  

Please know that you are constantly in my mind and in my heart, Yemen, my love. May you continue to rise, to heal, and to flourish.  

With all my love and hope, 


Abdul is a Bachelor graduate in Industrial Engineering from Penn State University. Currently, he is an assistant program manager at Matthew House Ottawa – Refugee Services.  

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